The Victorian Government has announced new coronavirus social restrictions for Greater Melbourne to apply from 6pm Tuesday 25 May until at least 4 June in response to recent cases that have been identified in Melbourne. 

  • Private gatherings at home will be limited to five people per day. 
  • Outdoor public gatherings will be limited to 30 people. 
  • Face masks will need to be worn indoors by everyone over 12 years of age unless a medical exemption applies. 



Return to Sport Updates for Participants – Basketball Victoria 

What does this mean for Community Basketball?  

  • We have been in discussions with SRV and VicSport, while we do not currently have exact information on the Restricted Activity Directions (RADs) – at this stage basketball competitions and programs can continue without any additional restrictions outside of the mandatory wearing of masks for everyone except coaches, players and referees in an exertive role as well as those with a medical exemption. 
  • These restrictions currently do not apply to Regional Victoria.  Victorians who live in Greater Melbourne and need to travel to regional Victoria can still do so however, the restrictions travel with them.  Victorians visiting regional Victoria from Melbourne will also need to wear a face mask when indoors even when outside of metropolitan Melbourne unless an exemption applies. 
  • We will continue to make further updates regarding their Return to Sport Guidelines and any additional restrictions as soon as possible.   We appreciate your patience and understanding during this time. 



At this stage, all Junior and Senior Domestic Basketball training and games can proceed. 

There are no restrictions in place with regards to venue capacities outside of still being able to maintain social distance. The one major change that has come into play is that everyone over the age of 12 is required to wear a mask when entering or leaving a KBA venue.  Players, Officials and Coaches can remove masks for the duration of the game; however, spectators are required to keep their mask on unless they have a medical exemption. 




At this stage training can continue under our current COVID Safe Training Plan: 

  • Only coaches, approved BSO’s and players may attend training. 
  • Masks: Mandatory for everyone over the age of 12 years old except coaches, players, and referees in an exertive role as well as those with a medical exemption.  Coaches may remove masks for the purpose of instructing during training. 
  • Coaches and BSO’s are to ensure compliance with the COVID Safe training plan.  BSO’s to record those attending each training session and provide this information following training session to the Training Coordinator. 

We ask that all are mindful of symptoms such as fever, cough, sore throat, or shortness of breath.  If you or your child develop these symptoms, please stay home, and see a doctor.  Do not send your child to training or games if they are unwell or displaying symptoms. 

Some teams may opt to cancel training, please ensure that you know how to open and secure the venue where you train, if the team before you or after you opts not to train.  Teams electing not to train, it is helpful, if you can contact teams who may be impacted by your decision not to train. 

Coaches with training questions, please contact Damien Pimpini, our Training Coordinator.