The KBA is committed to creating a positive environment for all players, spectators, referees, and coaches.
As part of this commitment, back in 2018, the KBA board introduced a ‘weekly Good Sport Award’ and an Annual “Ron Pearce Good Sport Award” to recognize and reward role model behaviour within our basketball community.
Nominations can be made by witnesses to the behaviour and forwarded to the office either via Door Staff at venues or directly via email. Once received the nominations will be collated by the KBA office and sent out to the sub-committee by 5pm each Wednesday; a maximum of 3 awards each week will be given.
Nominations for this award are about promoting good behaviour and anyone can be nominated (players, spectators, referees, door staff etc). The nominations do not have to be about anything significant, we want to hear about the positives, this award is about highlighting the good things that happen regardless of the significance.
Each recipient will receive a laminated Good Sport Award certificate along with a KBA Snack Shaq voucher
Each month a recipient will be chosen to be in the running for the Annual “Ron Pearce Good Sport Award”. The monthly winner will be featured on the ‘Good Sport Award Board’ located at Keilor Stadium.
The KBA are currently working through the last 4 months of nominations.

On 25 December 2017, our club and Keilor basketball lost a wonderful man, Ron Pearce. Ron, a life member of St Christopher’s Junior Basketball Club; a true gentleman, a great coach, a loyal and dear friend and long-standing coach and committee member. Ron’s contribution to the Keilor basketball community, both as a coach, friend and individual, was far-reaching.
To honour Ron, the KBA introduced a Ron Pearce Good Sport Award, this is awarded annually to the player who embodies genuine sportsmanship and always respects their coach, opposition, and the referees/officials.
Our Sophie Harrington was the inaugural winner of the Ron Pearce Good Sport Award in 2018! Given the special significance of this award for our club, we were thrilled that Sophie was the inaugural winner. Sophie continues to coach and is a wonderful role model to all.
Sophie was nominated for showing her team that no matter what the score is, have a good time and keep enjoying yourself. Her team did not score a goal in this match, but all players left the venue smiling.
We are excited to announce that coaches, Sarah and Emma O’Connell have been awarded the KBA Good Sports Award for their outstanding display of sportsmanship on 1 May 2021.
“Aberfeldie Jets only had 4 players so Sarah and Emma (coaches of B14.6) decided to play with only 4 players as well. They were positive and great role throughout the game.”